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Hide My Test! - Escape game iOS

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App Information

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Genre Games  Family  Casual 
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Developer Eureka Studio Inc.
Price Free
Release Date 2020/07/31


Wow, I scored a zero on the test...
But, I can't let Mom find out!
Let's cleverly hide the test answers and avoid getting scolded!

"Hide the Test!" - What kind of game?

◆ Rules ◆
The gameplay is simple!
First, tap on the items scattered around the stage to collect them.
Use those items to hide the test or set traps!
If you manage to hide the zero-score test without Mom finding it, you clear the stage!

Living room, garden, bathroom, toilet...
Various hilarious stages await you in different places around the house!

・In the living room, friends are holding a concert! Use the commotion to hide the test.
・The garden turns into a mini-car race track! Who will come in first place?
・A suspicious figure behind the window... Could it be a thief!?

Use items and friends to execute a variety of cover-up strategies!
Even if you can't solve the test questions, you won't get scolded by Mom if you can solve this escape game! ...Hopefully!

◆ Plenty of other fun apps! ◆

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