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Ghost Beat iOS

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Genre Games  Music  Casual 
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Developer Sandor Berczi
Price $0.99
Release Date 2021/01/14


- Rhythm-based Action Platformer
- Minimal design
- Epic handcrafted levels synchronized to the music
- Simply and easy to play but hard to master
- Improve your musical rhythm and reflexes

- No in-app purchases


About the game:

Wondered what it would feel like if you would be playing through one circle-shaped map?
And you can feel the hype and tension throughout every level?
With each level having its own mechanics?

As a developer, I love music and like making puzzle mazes. But how can be mixed a puzzle maze with tunes? Well, in precisely the way that Ghost Beat is made. A circle-shaped maze where you have to move the character through the map. This all while dodging obstacles and unlocking pathways. The game is synced with a different beat for each of the 5 worlds. So you get this intense bass/snare when you move the little ghost at the right moment. And pulling that drop at the exact moment gives you a unique, pulsating feeling.