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Couples Yoga iOS

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Genre Games  Casual  Puzzle 
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Developer Voodoo
Price Free
Release Date 2021/04/16


Couples Yoga is a fun game where you pose a duo into challenging yoga poses!
Enjoy the duo's puppet-like behaviour as you move their arms and legs into the correct yoga positions shown in the top corner. Enjoy the zen sounds of the water and zen environment as you have fun posing the fitness couple. In the initial levels, you'll have to exercise your posing abilities by only putting one of the yogis into the yoga poses. Once you've proved you're a master of posing one yogi, you'll move onto the challenging but fun task of posing a yoga couple! As you progress, the poses get more difficult and some gym equipment will be introduced to spice things up. Finding the balance is the key to solving the yoga poses!
Namaste, have fun, and enjoy this zen experience.