screenshot of Ion-Blade League 1 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 2 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 3 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 4 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 5 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 6 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 7 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 8 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 9 screenshot of Ion-Blade League 10
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App Information

Genre Action  Indie  Racing  Sports 
Release Date To be announced



If you have any feedback from playing the demo please post in the community forms or join me on Discord and drop me a line, I'm constantly polishing, tweaking and improving the game so please don't be shy :)

The Ion-Blade League is a high-speed rally-style racing arena shooter, where your accuracy, speed, quick decision-making and piloting skills matter.

It's All About The Challenge:

No aimless grind for meaningless upgrades, each region and track present its own challenges, obstacles and enemies.
Each unlocked weapon and auxiliary system is unique and features a new game changing mechanic, enhancing replayability.

Resource Management and Strategic Decision-Making:

To maximize your score, quick decisions and calculated sacrifices are essential in handling race resources (time, score, bonus, ammo, HP). This introduces varied strategies and tactics, imparting a unique quality to each race attempt.

Level Editor:

Unleash your creativity and build custom tracks to share with friends and the community.

Ghost Mode:

Record your runs, challenge friends to race against your offline ghost, and brag about your skills.

League Archives:

Compete against the best scores of other pilots around the world.
Champions live forever in the high-score records of the Ion-Blade League, see your position in the League with histograms and progression graphs.

Want a more relaxed experience, join the amateur Ion-Blade League, but remember, only the glorious will enter the eternal archives. Are you ready to leave your mark in the Ion-Blade Racing League?

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Memory: 600 MB RAM
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

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