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Racing: Breakthrough Gaming Arcade is a 2D single screen scrolling arcade game where you race to the finish line, collecting flags along the way to get extra points. Each time you finish a race, the speed increases for the next one! If you run into a pothole, it's game over! How high of a score can you get?

About the Breakthrough Gaming Arcade series
In the Breakthrough Gaming Arcade series, play arcade games that express a Biblical truth, complete with retro graphics and sounds!

In this game, you have to avoid the potholes and grab the flags. So as you live your own life, avoid practicing bad things, and instead practice doing the good things in life! This game is based on 1st Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verses 12-28 in the Bible!

Racing: Breakthrough Gaming Arcade © 2007-2024 Myron Kevan Tynes Jr. / Breakthrough Gaming LLC. All Rights Reserved.

  • OS: Windows 10/11
  • Processor: Intel

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