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Messiahs iOS

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Genre Games  Role Playing  Adventure 
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Developer Fatih Beceren
Price $1.99
Release Date 2020/12/30


Can you convert the whole world to your religion?

A new faith is born and you are chosen to spread it.
Humanity will always find a reason to hate you. You need to use your words and miracles and improve your faith in order to spread it to the entire world. You must speak to people without gaining much hatred, visit cities and right wrongs with miracles.

You will meet hundreds of people and stories on your journey, starting either from Egypt, Jerusalem, or Rome and will get one of the twenty endings as you try to spread your faith.

You can upgrade your religion to reach more people and improve yourself to perform miracles or cause calamities.

Your words will create chaos in the world, and you must handle hatred, lies, kings, and demons to create a religion that all can follow.