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Tiny Armies iOS

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Review (265) ※All Period
Genre Games  Puzzle  Strategy 
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Developer Brothers Flint
Price $0.99
Release Date 2016/09/13


Epic battles of tiny proportions!

Tiny Armies is a fast-paced game of conquest. Swipe your units to conquer the enemy and strategize as you encounter lakes, mountains, and forests along the way.

Play solo, battle your friends face-to-face, or jump into iMessage to battle across the world.

Quick bursts of gameplay with a striking presentation, designed for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and iMessage.

- Reviews -

"Tiny Armies is a fast, lightweight, easy-to-play, game of conquest. This one's worth buying on your iOS device." - Pocket Tactics

"Tiny Armies should be standard issue for all Apple Watch owners. It places an effortless punch right on the button that delivers a knockout." - The Zarf

"This is the type of game you'd expect to play on a watch. Once you start playing - oh my gosh - it's like wait, they're attacking me! I'm not just swiping. It's not passive. These guys are moving trying to eliminate me. It's actually quite fun." - Apple WatchCast

"One level of Tiny Armies takes a mere minute which makes it perfect for short play sessions. The game is fun and fairly challenging, you’ll need some good tactics to play a couple moves ahead and take down Red." - 5 Minute Games