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Antistress - Relaxing games iOS

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Genre Games  Action  Health & Fitness  Simulation 
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Developer Moreno Maio
Price Free
Release Date 2017/02/20


When you need relaxation, diversion or just a moment of distraction enjoy this collection of toys: hear the sound of a bamboo chime, play with wooden boxes, swipe gently your finger in the water, tap buttons, draw with chalks and so on! Are you waiting for something and you need a diversion? Open Antistress app and start playing with a Newton's cradle! Are you furious with someone? Have some relaxation with the never-old fifteen game! Do you need distraction from study? Open Antistress app and choose one of 50 (fifty!!!) toys to play!
Antistress - relaxation toys include:

►A relaxing pond with lotus
►A lot of different button to press!
►Physics wooden toys
►Beautiful sounds

Take your time and live a moment of diversion. This game include also an antistress Bamboo chime, a finger scale and some dirty windows to clean!