Dwayne is one of the protagonists of Primal Rift.
Dwayne is deployed by an unnamed government agency alongside James, Craig, and Bader to recover Dr. Carol Singh during the Houston Disaster.
Dwayne is washed away from the group during the first encounter with the sea scorpion. He is later found hanging on a guard rail while an elasmosaurus swims underneath.
After being rescued from the elasmosaurus , Dwayne waits on the roof for Craig to rescue Dr. Singh.
Dwayne is a tall African-American man with a prominent bald spot. He has a handlebar mustace. He wears dark blue sunglasses and a dark gray service uniform. He carries a long-range rifle with a mounted scope.
Dwayne bears a strong resemblance to 80s action star Carl Weathers.
He seems to be close friends with James, as the two share inside jokes and make fun of each regularly.