James is deployed by an unnamed government agency alongside Craig, Dwayne, and Bader to recover Dr. Carol Singh during the Houston Disaster.
James leads the team into the Waldorp-Verr building by fastroping from the roof to the 5th floor balconey.
After being separated from the team by the sea scorpion, James can be found in the stairwell suffering from an apparent insect sting. Giving James the correct medicine will help him recover.
James has long white hair and a white Fu Manchu beard. He wears a backwards baseball cap and tactical armor. He carries a submachine gun.
James is implied to have served in the US Marines.
James speaks in a Southern dialect.
James is the only human NPC who can be killed by Craig.
James often describes mundane or common things as "Good Old Southern...". This seems to be an inside joke between him and Dwayne.